Warning: "continue 2" targeting switch is equivalent to "break 2". Did you mean to use "continue 3"? in /home/midcoequ/public_html/vqmod/vqmod.php on line 684

Warning: session_set_save_handler(): Cannot change save handler when headers already sent in /home/midcoequ/public_html/system/library/session.php on line 16

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Warning: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time in /home/midcoequ/public_html/system/library/session.php on line 21

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Warning: session_set_cookie_params(): Cannot change session cookie parameters when headers already sent in /home/midcoequ/public_html/system/library/session.php on line 29

Warning: session_start(): Cannot start session when headers already sent in /home/midcoequ/public_html/system/library/session.php on line 30

Warning: SessionHandler::create_sid(): Session is not active in /home/midcoequ/public_html/system/library/session/native.php on line 5

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Notice: Undefined variable: has_manufacturer in /home/midcoequ/public_html/vqmod/vqcache/vq2-system_storage_modification_catalog_controller_startup_seo_url.php on line 107Notice: Undefined variable: has_manufacturer in /home/midcoequ/public_html/vqmod/vqcache/vq2-system_storage_modification_catalog_controller_startup_seo_url.php on line 107Notice: Undefined variable: has_manufacturer in /home/midcoequ/public_html/vqmod/vqcache/vq2-system_storage_modification_catalog_controller_startup_seo_url.php on line 107Notice: Undefined variable: has_manufacturer in /home/midcoequ/public_html/vqmod/vqcache/vq2-system_storage_modification_catalog_controller_startup_seo_url.php on line 107Notice: Undefined variable: has_manufacturer in /home/midcoequ/public_html/vqmod/vqcache/vq2-system_storage_modification_catalog_controller_startup_seo_url.php on line 107Notice: Undefined variable: has_manufacturer in /home/midcoequ/public_html/vqmod/vqcache/vq2-system_storage_modification_catalog_controller_startup_seo_url.php on line 107Notice: Undefined variable: has_manufacturer in /home/midcoequ/public_html/vqmod/vqcache/vq2-system_storage_modification_catalog_controller_startup_seo_url.php on line 107 4 Batch Hydraulic Cylinder Machines - 4R OHS – Midco Equipment L.L.C, UAE

4 Batch Hydraulic Cylinder Machines - 4R OHS

  • 4 Batch Hydraulic Cylinder Machines - 4R OHS
MODEL Çalışma   Boyu Ön Kıvırma Kapasitesi Min.Çap=Üst Top Øx1,5  Kıvırma Kapasitesi Min.Çap=Üst Top Ø x 3 Üst ve Alt Top Çapları Ø Yan Top Çapları Ø Motor.Gücü Uzunluk  Genişlik Yükseklik Ağırlık
 mm mm mm mm mm Kw mm mm mm kg
4R OHS 1570X140 1570 3 5 140 130 1,5 / 1,5 3200 1100 1100 2350
4R OHS 1570X160 1570 4 6 160 140 2,2 / 1,5 3200 1100 1100 2500
4R OHS 1570X180 1570 6 8 180 150 3,0 / 1,5 3250 1300 1300 3000
4R OHS 1570X200 1570 8 10 200 180 4,0 / 1,5 3250 1300 1300 3350
4R OHS 1570X220 1570 10 12 220 180 5,5 / 1,5 3450 1450 1350 4500
4R OHS 1570X250 1570 12 16 250 200 7,5 /1,5 3450 1450 1350 4800
4R OHS 2070X160 2070 4 6 160 140 2,2 / 1,5 3700 1100 1100 2950
4R OHS 2070X180 2070 5 7 180 150 3,0 / 1,5 3750 1300 1300 3500
4R OHS 2070X200 2070 6 8 200 180 4,0 / 1,5 3750 1300 1300 3800
4R OHS 2070X220 2070 8 10 220 180 5,5 / 1,5 3950 1450 1350 5100
4R OHS 2070X250 2070 10 13 250 200 7,5 /1,5 3950 1450 1350 5500
4R OHS 2070X275 2070 13 16 275 220 11 4500 1600 1800 6200
4R OHS 2070X300 2070 16 20 300 250 11 4500 1750 2000 6700
4R OHS 2070X320 2070 20 25 320 260 15 4650 1850 2100 7700
4R OHS 2070X350 2070 25 30 350 280 20 4750 1850 2150 11200
4R OHS 2070X380 2070 30 35 380 300 30 4750 1950 2250 14500
4R OHS 2070X400 2070 35 40 400 320 31,5 4750 1950 2250 16500
4R OHS 2570X160 2570 2 4 160 140 2,2 / 1,5 4200 1100 1100 3350
4R OHS 2570X180 2570 4 6 180 150 3,0 / 1,5 4250 1300 1300 3850
4R OHS 2570X200 2570 5 7 200 180 4,0 / 1,5 4250 1300 1300 4350
4R OHS 2570X220 2570 6 8 220 180 5,5 / 1,5 4450 1450 1350 5550
4R OHS 2570X250 2570 8 10 250 200 7,5 / 1,5 4450 1450 1350 6200
4R OHS 2570X275 2570 10 13 275 220 11 5000 1600 1800 7000
4R OHS 2570X300 2570 13 16 300 250 11 5000 1750 2000 7850
4R OHS 2570X320 2570 16 20 320 260 15 5150 1850 2150 9200
4R OHS 2570X350 2570 20 25 350 280 20 5250 1850 2150 12500
4R OHS 2570X380 2570 25 30 380 300 30 5250 1950 2250 15800
4R OHS  2570X400 2570 30 35 400 320 31,5 5250 1950 2250 17300
4R OHS 3070X180 3070 2 4 180 150 3,0 / 1,5 4750 1300 1300 4200
4R OHS 3070X200 3070 4 6 200 180 4,0 / 1,5 4750 1300 1300 4850
4R OHS 3070X220 3070 5 7 220 180 5,5 / 1,5 4950 1450 1350 6200
4R OHS 3070X250 3070 6 8 250 200 7,5 / 1,5 4950 1450 1350 7000
4R OHS 3070X275 3070 8 10 275 220 11 5500 1600 1800 7650
4R OHS 3070X300 3070 10 13 300 250 11 5500 1750 2000 8650
4R OHS 3070X320 3070 13 16 320 260 15 5650 1850 2150 10200
4R OHS 3070X350 3070 16 20 350 280 20 5750 1850 2200 12500
4R OHS 3070X380 3070 20 25 380 300 30 5750 2000 2300 16500
4R OHS 3070X400 3070 25 30 400 320 31,5 5750 2000 2300 18500
4R OHS 4070X300 4070 6 8 300 250 11 6650 1850 2000 9750
4R OHS 4070X320 4070 8 10 320 260 15 6650 1900 2200 13500
4R OHS 4070X350 4070 10 13 350 280 20 6750 1900 2350 15200
4R OHS 4070X380 4070 13 16 380 300 30 6750 2200 2350 19500
4R OHS 4070X400 4070 16 20 400 320 31,5 6800 2200 2400 24500


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